Monday, August 5, 2013

Can You Guess This Famous Family?

     A man grew up in a house without his mother. His father was a denigrating man who made sure that his son never showed any sign of intelligence or creativity. And he lived up to his father's expectations. He grew fat and stupid, but fell in love in college, with a woman who was too good for most men.

     She was brilliant and beautiful. She was an amazing artist, a budding journalist, and she was being courted by a man who would be powerful and successful...but he was a cad, and the man who was to be her future husband seemed the only choice left to her. She should have held out, she should have waited. But she had a night with him...and bore a son.

     Ah, the son. The eldest and destined to be a failure as only his father could raise. The reason his parents stayed together. Yes, love brought the parents together, and they still love each other in many ways. But she could have been a success, had she not had this lad, a boy who yearns to be good, and yet manages to blow up his house during an April Fool's Day prank.

     As he grows, perhaps the boys' mother would have been able to run off, as the father's mother had, but she had another child. A girl, who becomes a socially awkward and depressed child of brilliant talent; she perhaps even surpasses her mother in potential. She is a decent musician, and has a sharp scientific mind. She also has to sometimes pretend she has friends in order to not be alone.

     Then, the youngest is born. Perhaps the saddest case, the youngest child assaults her father on multiple occasions. She has an attachment to dangerously powerful tools. And she shoots a man, very nearly killing him, while she is very young.

Is that enough? How about a few more clues.

     - The father is sometimes called one of the most obese people on the planet.
     - The mother is very thin and has an outrageous hair-do.
     - The son's best friend has a crush on the older sister.
     - The youngest has only ever said a single word.

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