March 14 (3.14) matches pi and its first two digits. I know it’s an incredibly nerdy thing to say, but I always wanted this to be my birthday. I mean, it’s something pretty much everybody recognizes, yet it’s also highly geeky. What better day for me to be born on?
I celebrated by having pizza pie for dinner. Guess what I had for dessert? I had cake. Nothing against pie, I like pie. But is it really rational to have pie on pi day?
Yes. Yes, it is...perhaps a little too rational.
I imagine this post is full of too many math puns and references already. And here’s one more! I’ve honestly only heard about this form of poetry in the last day or two, but it’s called pilish. Each word is to be a length determined by the digits of pi. I’ve attempted below, but I don’t expect anybody to follow it without and a bit of metaphorical stretching of a meaning or two...
How I want a great biography
to abloom areas all astir,
adversity abegging.
Give pilish a try! Post your attempt below.
[Pi = approx. 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399]
(For more info on pilish, see here. For more Pi Day info, check this out.)